Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 As the internet advances, concerns over data and personal privacy come into play in a big way as companies fight to get this data about you to help their own pockets. This data will act as a permanent tattoo that will live on far after our own lifetime. These tattoos do not have to say much, as their message is usually very strong and clear and really can mean a lot while saying nothing at all. It’s very hard to hide from these big companies, with face recognition coming into play with the big data that they already own. Matching your face to your data is a big idea to take into account when you think about what you put online and all the information people can find out about you with a click of a button. Face.com holds over 18 billion face pictures used for facial recognition, and guess who bought them out? Facebook. Nothing on the internet is private and everything is accessible if you’re able to get your hands on the right resources. Watching yourself and what you do is very important to make sure you are not getting taken advantage of by these big companies that have serious power to do a lot that you don’t know about. 


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