Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Alternative Media

Alternative media can be media sources that vary from mainstream sorts of media as far as their substance, creation, or appropriation. Understanding this media is to think about their part during the process of democratic communication. Participation is available to everybody, all members are viewed as equivalent, and any topic can be brought forward for interpretation. This communication and participation are very important to the advancement of social developments. These new social developments experience critical challenges when trying to go through the established press platforms in light of the fact that the established press regularly contorts, criticize, or completely overlook social development perspectives.

Alternative media in general speak to the smaller groups of people in society that are just trying to get their message out there. In any case, there is also a bad side, as alternative media takes into account a bunch of content including conspiracy theories, the presence of extraterrestrial life, and so on. On the positive side, significant work has been done examining monetary and social issues like lack of healthy living and the climate.

While alternative media outlets are vastly known, the major outlets are almost all owned by these six companies, which is a scary fact when this is where we get almost all of our information.

National Amusements (BET, CBS, MTV, Nickelodeon)
Disney (ABC, ESPN, Marvel, VICE)
Time Warner (CNN, Cartoon Network, HBO)
Comcast (NBC, USA, Universal)
News Corp (Fox News, National Geographic, 20 Century Fox)
Sony (Tristar, Sony Pictures, Destination Films)

 Check out some of these alternative media websites:



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