Monday, November 16, 2020

My Online Presence

I have had an online presence for a while now since the age of twelve. Around this time, Facebook was very popular and Instagram had just gained traction. I honestly did not truly know how to use these platforms, with me not using it to its full capacity. All my posts when I was younger and on Instagram were usually shouting out my other friends, or a half blurred picture of something I found funny. I never took the time to really get into social media, as I didn't find enough time for it with sports growing up and it just never really caught on with me from there. A lot of society and especially people my age are obsessed with social media and the internet and it takes a chunk of their mental health away from them if they don't use the internet the right way. 

 Nowadays, I'm still not on social media as much. I still have all the apps on my phone except Facebook, but I haven't posted in over a year and try to not go on it too much. Social media seems to drain a lot of people, and I'm trying to avoid that at all costs for my own wellbeing. Being an adult now I have to be aware of things I post and have to monitor the things that could damage my reputation. I see the wildest things on Twitter and try to steer clear of that as much as possible to not get caught up in anything bad. Even though my generation is the one driving the internet advancement I try to be observant with what the social media companies are doing and what data they are able to store while still making my presence online known. Watching what your friends are posting of you becomes a problem you have to address when having social media so there isn't anything bad that someone posts of you. As long as you are keeping up with this and representing yourself in the best way possible you can use social media as a good device to connect with others across the globe.

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