Monday, September 14, 2020

America and Anti-War don't go together


    The US has been caught up in war since the day we established our nation. We are seen as a powerhouse of a nation and many try to uphold that narrative by flexing our military operations and saying to other nations that we can wipe them out easily if they mess with us. After spending some time on, I understood why I hear none of these stories, and these stories are pushed away from the mainstream media. The narrative of the US becoming an anti-war nation will send a message to others that we are vulnerable, and other nations might see this as a great opportunity to flex their own military operations.
    These websites play into that narrative, highlighting the destruction that our military does and talks about the ideas that no other mainstream media outlet will pay attention to or report on. Many stories abroad are not covered enough when the US is interacting with them and this website makes sure you know most things that are going on in our military. If they weren't so "anti-war" and more "whats going on in our military" they might get better exposure and these stories can be picked up by a bigger news publisher. As a nation, we should strive for transparency within our military but also not backing down when another nation tries to push us around. War is not the choice everyone is looking for, but we must be ready if some other nation tries to challenge us and take our land or resources for themselves.

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