Monday, September 7, 2020

Black Lives Matter

    While reading about some protests that occurred across the nation in the last few months, the first amendment, speech or action, and the bedrock principles have been highlighted and talked about A LOT. One of the biggest thing that stays in my head is the thought of expressive action, and how some may try to use it to justify rioting and looting of stores in certain cities. Speech is protected by the first amendment, while action is not protected. This is the grey area that many try to manipulate in their favor so they can be protected by the first amendment. If this action is engaging in something that is trying to send a message, this can be protected by the first amendment and called expressive action.           
    Many looting and rioting of stores many will say was "trying to send a message" about the unjust police brutality that our nation faces today. This can be a good reason, but many fail to realize that you still have to abide by the other rules of the first amendment (peaceful!) and that freedom of the press is legitimately the only thing absolutely protected by the first amendment. No one wants their property to be destroyed, and our government has checks in place so those that do it face consequences. You can not take the first amendment and apply it to any situation, as every situation isn't always protected by the first amendment (FA does not protect against the Laws of General Applicability).

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