Monday, August 24, 2020

My Top Five Sources of News and Information


CNN has topics that include business, US, World, health and stock market data. They are a decent source when it comes to news and business. They have a lot of entertainment, technology, and style as well.  CNN has a reputation for being on the opposite side of Donald Trump's views and I always find it funny when they slander Donald Trump and vise versa. They tend to give a different narrative than what he is saying and I try to see it from both sides to figure out the right one logically.

The New York Times

The New York Times has a variety of topics that they talk about such as politics and the economy, to fashion and food. This is a fairly unbias site, which may be leaning a little left, but gives you good news stories that can be credible. Most of the stories are sourced which allows for good fact-checking when reading stories you aren't so sure about. I like this website because it gives you a little of the serious side of life while also playing into the casual stuff that keeps you interested and up to date. 

The Washington Post

I'd say that Washington Post is just very similar to the New York Times and holds a lot of the same stories. While reading the website they say they try to provide the most factual information and try not to play into either side in politics. This website has a lot of the same aspects as the New York Times, having technology, health, and even dedicated sections for certain stories such as the Coronavirus. They are also a little left-sided but are seen as trying to be as unbias as possible and they also provide sources for you to be able to do your own research if necessary.

The New Yorker

The New Yorker features news, books and culture, humor and cartoons, and podcasts. I'd say this news source is a little more laid back but they are still a reliable news sources. I don't use this one too often unless I need a good laugh about some news I see. They even have the famous crossword puzzles for those that love to complete them.

The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal has a different style of topics such as breaking news, politics, finance, and the economy. I'd say they are a little more serious when talking about information because of having ties to Wall Street. They are very reliable with business and finance and they are always up to date.  They also have an exclusive student offer for those who want to subscribe and are a student in a college/high school.

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