Monday, September 28, 2020

Future Transit

    Traffic. I'm pretty sure everyone has dealt with it in their lives, and I don't know one person that likes it. The future of public and personal transit aims to solve this problem while trying to be as green and ecological supportive as possible. A lot of the cars run will be electric and automated. This will allow a lot of electric vehicles to be more efficient and convenient than human-driven vehicles. Automated driving allows for the reduction of human error, and everything can be configured in a way that makes for the most efficient transit possible. The coronavirus really changed the game by making private accommodations a real reality. Many consider the plan for a PRT, or personal rapid transit, which is basically a big subway system that operates with small personal vehicles. Morgantown, West Virginia has utilized this idea with its small pods that take you around West Virginia's campus. This can prove to be a good, efficient way to get around that takes many individuals at once. 

    Easy public transit will become another innovation as privately owned cars are becoming more of a negative asset. Cost-efficient travel through automated and electric buses can become a norm if cities come together and assist in the navigation of major vehicles. This can allow for a large gathering of people to be safely taken to their destination faster with not having to interact with anyone. Contactless ticketing has already become a thing because of coronavirus. The planet gets a good boost from this change to electric buses as well. Buses and other major vehicles makeup over 25% of US fuel use and CO2 emissions and play a big part in the climate problems we face today. Electric buses can cut down our use of resources and overall improve the public's health. Many climate problems that are arising today call for innovation that better protect the environment. The decrease in battery prices will also allow for a better affordable ride where the cost will not be a problem. Two problems arise along with the use of electric buses and transportation. There must be in-route charging stations that allow for transportation to make a quick stop to charge and the batteries can not be too heavy where it will damage the roads it rides on. Many transportation companies will try to found a balance between efficiency and weight that allows for the faster and safest transportation possible.

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